Do you want first-hand information on innovative ventures? Do you want sustainable development career resources? Do you want to make a REAL positive impact? In this network of more than 50 countries and 100 cities, YOU can create paths to your goals! Inspire, Connect, Accelerate and Collaborate for a Better World Impact Hub is one of the world’s largest… Continue reading Impact Hub Shanghai: Together, We Create a Better World
Category: Blogs
How Change got Global
Now more than ever we are being called to tackle urgent social and environmental issues. At the same time, our governments and economies are facing significant disruption, but this isn’t really a series of problems, this as an opportunity for transformative system change. We believe that the only way forward is by joining forces to build… Continue reading How Change got Global
Recycle Fellowship Program
The Recycling & Regeneration Incubation Plan is started and guided by Impact Hub Shanghai, financially supported by Ai You Foundation, cooperated with China Tian Ying Limited Company, Shang Dao Zong Heng, Chinese Social Corporations League, Ai He Huo, SLP, Wedea and other companies and organization. Impact Hub 上海 首届“废弃物回收再生孵化计划” 2017年12月-2018年3月,为期3个月,招募6-8支与废弃物回收再生相关的初创团队进入孵化计划,用可持续的行动,让世界变得更美好一点点。 作为中国首个专注废弃物回收再生创业的专业垂直孵化计划,聚合了 国内领域行业的专家导师团队, 商业模式孵化实践系列课程资深导师团队, 国内外最前沿的废弃物再生业界资源平台, 关注此领域的影响力投资人网络…… 废弃物回收再生孵化计划由Impact… Continue reading Recycle Fellowship Program