循环经济知识港 Vol. 6


Where Could I Find the Circular Opportunities?

从挖掘循环商机,到探寻可落地商业、环境、社会问题解决方案,再到提升公司的品牌影响力等等,我们来看看来自意大利圣保罗联合银行(Intesa SanPaulo),飞利浦(Philips),H&M集团(H&M Group),索维(Solvay),达能(Danone)公司的分享——为什么他们的公司都对循环经济抱有极大的热情。

From business opportunity, to delivering tangible solutions for business, environment and society, to improving company profile, to future proofing your business – watch circular economy champions in Intesa SanPaulo, Philips, H&M Group, Solvay, and Danone share why they are personally excited about the circular economy.



Smart material choices


Considering a product’s end of life treatment in the choice of materials and inputs, i.e. durable, biodegradable, recycled or recyclable materials.




Ecovative Design:



Single-use packaging, which includes expanded polystyrene (EPS) protective packaging, forms a significant portion of the eight million tonnes of plastic that enter our oceans every year.

Circular solution:

Ecovative Design is a company making fully compostable packaging products that are alternatives to synthetic materials. These packaging uses mycelium – “root structure of mushrooms” – to join together and combine with agricultural by-products with low economic value, acting thereby as a glue, and taking any shape needed. At the end of its use, the packaging can be composted at home.


PRODUCT LIFE EXTENSION:Design products that last


Extending the lifecycle of products to ensure they remain economically useful by maintaining or even improving them through remanufacturing, repairing or upgrading. Watch the initiatives from Philip and Renault.


Product as a Service - Is ownership really necessary?


Considering a product’s end of life treatment in the choice of materials and inputs, i.e. durable, biodegradable, recycled or recyclable materials.





Gerrard Street公司设计出了高音质模块化耳机,既美观又易于拆卸,便于维修、翻新或升级。

为什么它有如此高的循环性?用户不是购买耳机,更像是“订阅”耳机,可以享受免费升级或维修服务;这种模式也激励着Gerrard Street公司提供尽可能耐用的产品,以最大化延长收入期。


85%的组件可以得到再利用;客户可以获得价格合理的高质量产品和高水平服务;Gerrard Street公司仅需较少的原材料就可以制造新耳机。


Globally, we throw away 15,000 tonnes of headphones every year, either due to simple mechanical faults or because of technology advances. How can we capture the value that is being lost in this discarded material?

What they offer customers:

Gerrard Street Customers get affordable, high quality product and a high level of service and support. Included in the monthly subscription fee, is a guarantee that if the product is damaged or an upgrade is available then the customer returns the old headphones and is sent a replacement.

Circular solution:

Gerrard Street has designed high sound quality headphones that are modular and easily disassembled to facilitate easy repair, refurbishment or upgrade. The use of a subscription business model allows them to recover headphones at the end of their use and 85% of components are ultimately reused.


Closed loop / Take back


Providing a service to collect old or used products and recovering the value in the materials by recycling or reusing them to make new products.




循环解决方案:在与新的合作伙伴签约后,Braiform会开发一种新型衣架解决方案,方案的第一步就是向市场提供新的衣架。服装制造商会在运输产品之前购买这些衣架来分配服装,这样, 经销商拿到的就是这些自带衣架的服装。在售出衣服后,经销商们会收集好衣架,并将它们送回分销中心。Braiform在英国谢菲尔德和美国一共拥有三个再利用中心,到时候会根据经销商的地理位置来选择返回到哪一个。到了再利用中心后,相关人员会对它们进行分类和重新包装,最终会分发回服装生产地区。



Braiform is a global leader in garment hanger reuse. In the past, the company was a key player in the initial manufacture of these products, but fifteen years ago the decision was made to sell off all production facilities and commit to a dedicated re-use supply chain. Today, Braiform are the global leader in garment hanger re-use. Products are returned to reuse centres where they are sorted, repackaged and distributed back to garment-producing regions, preventing them from ending up in landfill.

Circular solution: This loop works as follows: after being contracted by a new partner, Braiform develop a new garment hanger solution, which starts with supplying virgin product into the market. Manufacturers buy these hangers and deploy them before shipping their products. The garments are distributed and during purchase, the retailer collects the hangers, sending them back to distribution centres with deliveries. They then return to one of three main re-use centres in Sheffield, and the United States, where they are sorted, repackaged and distributed back to garment-producing regions.

Those hangers that cannot be re-used are shredded and used to make new products. As Braiform know that the polymer is pure, they can sell this material to a compounder and it returns to virgin production. Last year, 30 million hangers were made from the company’s own waste stream.

In 2014, 540 million hangers were collected, with a large proportion – 430 million – being re-used.